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Online course

14. Modelling Activated Sludge Processes

This interesting course is designed for those who wish to learn about the modelling of activated sludge processes, and it includes modelling basics, aim and scope, model building and general set-up, stoichiometry, kinetics, transport and matrix notation. You will also get deep insight into the stepwise development of the biokinetic model ASM1 and the fundamentals of other activated sludge models (ASM). The ASM toolbox is introduced as well as modelling challenges and future trends. The course covers a variety of modelling case studies and a couple of examples of integrated modelling of sewer systems, wastewater treatment plants, and receiving waters using different models and modelling simulators. By the end of the course, you will be ready to embark on modelling studies.

Welcome by Prof. Damir Brdjanovic

Course information

  • Learning Objectives

    After completing the course you should become familiar with modelling basics, aim and scope of modelling, model building and general set-up, stoichiometry, kinetics, transport and matrix notation. You will also get deep insight into stepwise development of the biokinetic model ASM1 and the fundamentals of other activated sludge models (ASM). You will be informed about several cases from modelling practice.  By the end of the course, you will be ready to embark on modelling studies.

  • Syllabus

    This course covers the following topics:

    • Introduction to Activated Sludge Modelling
    • Categories of Modelling Objectives
    • Influent Wastewater Characterization Protocols
    • Flow and Loading Patterns, and Other Input Dynamics
    • Model Parameters – Kinetics, Nitrification and Biological Nutrient Removal
    • Case Studies

    Mark van Loosdrecht presents the course’s introductory part, which can be found in detail in Chapter 14 of the book Chen G., Ekama G.A., van Loosdrecht M.C.M., and Brdjanovic D. Ed. (2020). Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Design and Modelling – 2nd Edition. IWA Publishing, pg. 839. ISBN 9781789060362 (eBook) with exercises presented in the book Lopez-Vazquez C.M., Brdjanovic D., Volcke E.I.P., van Loosdrecht M.C.M., Wu D., Chen G. (2023). Biological Wastewater Treatment: Examples and Exercises. IWA Publishing, pg. 558. ISBN 9781789062304 (eBook).

    The step-by-step protocol for activated sludge modelling is described in Meijer S.C.F. and Brdjanovic D. A Practical Guide to Activated Sludge Modelling (2012). UNESCO-IHE Lecture Notes. UNESCO-IHE, pg. 277. ISBN 9789073445280. It can be used in conjunction with Dwight Houwelling’s lectures.

    Finally, case studies presented by Damir Brdjanovic are compiled in Brdjanovic D., Meijer S.C.F., Lopez-Vazquez C.M., Hooijmans C.M., and van Loosdrecht M.C.M. Ed. (2015). Applications of Activated Sludge Models. IWA Publishing, pg. 500. ISBN 9781780404639.

  • Organization

    This course consists of video lectures, presentation slides, reading materials, exercises, and assignments with solutions. In principle, each video presentation has its complementary presentation slides. All videos are available for viewing in the section “Video-recorded presentations”. The materials are packaged in three (.zip) files, namely, the “Videos”, the “Presentations”, and the “Documents”. All the files can be downloaded from the section “Download course materials”. Some files may be of considerable size, so you need to ensure that your computer has sufficient bandwidth and capacity for downloading.

  • Delivery Method

    This course is currently designed for a SELF-STUDY mode. It is FREE, and does not include guidance, support, exams, assessment, and certification. It is possible that shortly, the series (or its parts) will be adopted by institutions that may deliver the guided version, including certification. As soon as this is the case, it will be advertised on this website.

  • Open Access

    The content is available for free unlimited access and use, consistent with Global Sanitation Graduate School’s commitment to ensuring open access to information and knowledge. Please note that the video materials fall under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license (, presentations under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license  (, readers (OA books of IWA Publishing) under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license (, and other readers under the license specified by the publisher. Although care has been taken to ensure the integrity and quality of these materials and information, no responsibility is assumed by the author(s), Global Sanitation Graduate School, or IHE Delft Institute for Water Education for any damage to property or persons as a result of the use of these materials and/or the information contained herein.

Video-recorded presentations

14.1a Introduction to Activated Sludge Modelling - Part 1

Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht



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14.1b Introduction to Activated Sludge Modelling - Part 2

Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht



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14.1c Introduction to Activated Sludge Modelling - Part 3

Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht


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14.1d Introduction to Activated Sludge Modelling - Part 4

Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht


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14.2 Categories of Modelling Objectives

Dwight Houweling


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14.3 Influent Wastewater Characterization Protocols

Dwight Houweling


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14.4 Case Study 1A: Sludge Production and Airflow Requirements

Dwight Houweling


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14.5 Case Study 1B: Sludge Production and Airflow Requirements

Dwight Houweling


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14.6 Flow and Loading Patterns, and Other Input Dynamics

Dwight Houweling


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14.7 Case Study 2A: Influent Loading Dynamics

Dwight Houweling


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14.8 Case Study 2B: Influent Loading Dynamics

Dwight Houweling


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14.9 Model Parameters: Kinetics, Nitrification and Biological Nutrient Removal

Dwight Houweling


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14.10 Case Study 3A: Parameter Sensitivities in MLE Process

Dwight Houweling


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14.11 Case Study 3B: Parameter Sensitivities in MLE Process

Dwight Houweling


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14.12 Case Study 4: Model Testing

Damir Brdjanovic


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14.13 Case Study 5: Refinery WWTP Optimization

Damir Brdjanovic


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14.14 Case Study 6: WWTP Upgrade

Damir Brdjanovic


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14.15 Case Study 7: WWTP Reconstruction

Damir Brdjanovic


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14.16 Case Study 8: WWTP Upgrade

Damir Brdjanovic


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14.17 Case Study 9: WWTP Design Verification

Damir Brdjanovic


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14.18 Case Study 10: System-wide Modelling

Damir Brdjanovic


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Download course materials


Damir Brdjanovic

Course resource person | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education